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Machine Control System

Validate Every Element Of The Machine Setup

  • Components
  • Tooling
  • Consumables
  • Program / Recipe
  • Machine settings & Parameters


About the Machine Control System

With aggressive schedules and constantly changing requirements, it can be difficult to manage an efficient production plan. With Cogiscan's Machine Control application, you’ll ensure that your machines are performing as intended and always running the right products in the most optimal conditions.

Your Challenge

With aggressive schedules and constantly changing requirements, it can be difficult to manage an efficient production plan to ensure all your machines are performing optimally. As last-minute changes can force a product from one line to another, you need to be able to quickly validate that machines are setup properly and ready to run according to the correct production process.


Prevent machine downtime and optimize equipment utilization with our Machine Control application. Through advanced modules, you’ll ensure that your machines are performing as intended and always running the right products in the most optimal conditions. This flexible application also includes options to update legacy machines to support current, automated manufacturing processes.

Maintenance Control

  • Downtime Prevention - Track and manage both preventative and corrective maintenance activities to minimize both planned and unplanned downtime.
  • Time and Threshold-based Maintenance - Establish rules based on the specific machine’s requirements, operator input, or actual machine performance (including feeder pick counts and mispick ratio).
  • Warning Alarms - Will alert your technicians when maintenance is required to ensure you don’t miss out on important activities.
  • Maintenance Reports - Keep track of past maintenance activities and provide a reference guide for how to resolve similar issues in the future.


  • Enhance Product Quality - Automatically stop a machine if any aspect of the setup or process is incorrect.
  • Improve Machine Performance - Track and manage both preventative and corrective maintenance on your machines and tooling.
  • Maximize Equipment Utilization - Keep your machines running at their full capacity while avoiding unplanned downtime.
  • Save Precious Resources - Complete and automated setup validation will save you both time and money.

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