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Lead Forming Machine for DIP Components – A075 Ri

Designed to form the leads of dual in-line components utilizing a tube-to-tube feeding configuration.


About the Lead Forming Machine for DIP Components – A075 Ri

Fully adjustable, the A075/Ri requires no die changes which allows a wide range of component sizes to be processed quickly and easily. The lead span adjustment is displayed on a digital panel meter and the operating speed is infinitely variable. The component tubes are loaded onto an adjustable, input attachment and gravity fed to a foam padded belt that indexes them through the forming process. The belt holds the components securely against a set of infinitely variable guide rails. The forming action is performed by adjustable rollers located on either side of the guide rails. After forming the components are then deposited into a second tube for collection.

Production Rate:10,000 pcs/hr
Dimensions:458mm L x 356mm W x 381mm H (18.0" L x 14.0" W x 15.0" H)
Electrical:4 -6 bar (60 - 80 psi)

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