Flying Probe Testing Services
Since 2001, Datest has been offering flying probe programming and testing services covering thousands of test projects, big and small, simple and highly complex. We proudly feature SPEA flying probe test systems, exhibiting unparalleled test performance capabilities. The patented state-of-the-art linear motion technology ensures unmatched probing accuracy, precision, repeatability, and speed (up to 160 tests per second). We can reliably probe pad sizes as small as 50um (50 microns, or .00197”).
Basic analog flying probe testing is augmented (where needed) by laser measurement, optical inspection, LED testing (color and brightness/intensity), as well as JTAG/Boundary Scan testing for suitably designed boards. We can also add Nodal Impedance Testing (NZT), plus power-on testing using both internal and external programmable power supplies. Test coverage, as well as actual test results, are abundantly documented and reported. You pay for this information; you deserve to receive it. We have nothing to hide.
Programs can be debugged and released to production testing quickly, often within a few days or even less. No expensive bed-of-nails test fixture is needed. We also develop programs for customers with compatible flying probe equipment, to enable them to test at their site without significant investment in on-site engineering and programming talent.
Additionally, Datest uses its SPEA flying probe test systems for troubleshooting, “bonepile” rehabilitation, and reverse engineering of PCBFs and PCBAs.
For the uninitiated, we’d be happy to share with you the advantages of flying probe testing, as well as its shortcomings, both technical as well as financial, relative to other test platforms. We tell it to you straight so you can make an informed decision whether flying probe testing is appropriate for your project. For those engineers who already know, welcome home and have confidence: You’ve come to the right place.